And we aren't talking about the casino in Las Vegas. :) I'm telling you when I stay at the Watson house there is usually a party around every corner. It was so fun to see the expression on the children's faces as well as listen to my parents talk with endless excitement all the way home about the circus. I would be crazy if I left out sneaking to the snack bar for junk with Kisser at half time. If Shauna caught us eating hot dogs and churros she would have told us how many calories are in every bit. :) Another fun adventure. I'm so grateful to be creating memory after memory.
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Thanks for the fun fun times. I'm so glad we were able to go to the circus circus. We are grateful for all your help.
I hate to admit it but I love hot dogs. And I am new fan of the circus. Thanks for the memories, never a dull moment.
I'm so sad we missed out :( Next time for sure, it looks like you had so much fun!!!
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